✓  tick this

We're on a mission to stop holiday scams

£6.7m was lost to holiday booking fraud in 2017. ✓ tick this was started in 2018 to help both house owners and their guests avoid the increasingly-sophisticated scam. We provide a way for guests to double check house owners' bank details before they pay for their accommodation, reducing the risk of fraud. Read below for more information.

The Risk

Fraudsters trick guests into paying their bank account. They hack into the house owner's email account and send emails that appear genuine, or send emails from a similar address.

Who's Affected?

Guests risk paying criminals, losing their money and being let down upon arrival. Owners risk having two groups turning up at once, damage to their reputation and possibly a refund claim.

What We Do

✓ tick this provides an additional check by allowing guests to verify the house owner's bank details on our site. We make it harder for criminals to trick guests and easier for guests to stay safe.

Frequently asked questions

✓ tick this provides a way for guests to double check house owners' bank details before they pay for their accommodation, reducing the risk of fraud.

The house owner provides the guests (or the person making the booking) with a link to their page on tickthis.com. On this page the guests can check the house's bank details by entering a secret code that will be provided by the house owner.

The code enables the guests to see the bank details we have stored for the house owner, and check they match the bank details the house owner gave you.

We hate fraudsters and make life difficult for them. We also use several ways to authenticate houses and ensure the information on ✓ tick this is valid and correct. However ultimately we are unable to provide a guarantee or compensation in the event of fraud, so please take care and alert us if you suspect anything.

Please email us using the form below, giving us your contact details and details of your rental house. We have a rigorous vetting process for all properties and will happily guide you through the process.

Contact ✓ tick this

Please contact us if you have any general questions or would like to add your house to our database